
Valentines day History in English

Below information's has been just translated from google translate in next valentine day of  2017 we will get it updated till then enjoy Titu Pitu for fun and enjoyment....

Valentines day History in English

Saint Valentine of Rome was a Christian whose name was her love for a king's daughter, the king of the genre at the time when he spoke in front of the King's and the boy and the girl are in love with each other before marriage Keep in relation to each other so that the will of God and a love relationship without marriage all that could then send his girlfriend girlfriend on Valentine's Waqar every region of the heart and make the type of gift and your love Saint Valentine's Day, after which carried the king presented to the king and the audacity assuming we consider the large publicly on February 14 and the third Century I
Which was partially publicly ac and the whole world was deeply moved by the people on February 14 St. Valentine's Day was named H and his name came to be celebrated on the day of Valentine's Day, which is known to those who believe itOsho somewhere that will give you peace from the pages of the woman

An other story is also so popular in this world which is given below...

So the story we told you that one on Valentine's known story which is prevalent in the world, we tell you about him
Where it is also a friend of Kieron Europe, where the king was born on Valentine sand because the people who had to get married women, ie renewable women maintain their Mistress or maid and his supporters to behave the way you want, butIf the man with a woman married to a divorced woman will enjoy their idyllic Dilwaange many marriages he arranged for it but could not afford the resulting king king king king just because he lived till 12 Striy King of Europe, did not go to the cloud, and they gave the death sentence for a Valentine Storian which of these two friends, it is true, then we can not say about it, but it must know U King St. Valentine's death as a result, today was sentenced on February 14 to celebrate Valentine's day and Valentine's day we remember, but friends, explain the importance of love on Valentine's lot to marry the man taught English in countries like Europe married it was not before but now are being used before that marriages in India and experience the pleasures of all the friends we used to enjoy Valentine's Day with their loved ones and those wanting to keep the marriages with loved ones