
Friendship day sms in English

As we keep in mind and everyone has a best friends because who don't have a best friend he/she cant' be guide in any situation so we celebrate it also a friendship day for celebrating it we need few friendship day sms so we are going to providing you few cute and great friendship day sms for share with your friends...

Isn't about who you've known the longest.
Its about who walked
into your life and said, "I'm
here for you" and proved it!

"Life is parents gift"
"Education is teachers gift"
"Smile is friends gift"
"FRIENDSHIP is God gift"
So it can never break...

:Sweet Poem :
One One 2
I miss u
Two Two 4
Miss me more
Three Three 6
Friendship is fix
Four Four 8
U r great
Five Five 10
Miss u Again...

Friendship means to me..
U happy .I happy
U sad , I sad
U cry I cry
U fall down in nalla..
I dance ooo la la oo la...

"ROAD" ko "SPEED" limit
"EXAM" ko "TIME" limit
"BUILDING" ko "HIGHT" limit
"LOVE" ko "AGE" limit
"FRIENDSHIP" ko "NO" limit.

Friendship day sms in English

Love is possible after
friendship is not possible after love
medicines work before death
later nothing can be cured.!

Stars has 5 ends
Square has 4 ends
Trinagle has 3 ends
Line has 2 ends
but Circle of our friendship has
no end...