
Quotes on World No-Tobacco Day

As we all know that Tobacco is the very harmful thing. Everyone knows about the even that everyone takes tobacco and by that death rate is going to be increasing day by day... So For let every smoker and un smoker know that it is harmful for them we are going to share few Quotes on Tobacco day....


The Malboro Man died of lung cancer. Some of his last words were "Take care of the children. Tobacco will kill you. I'm living proof of it."

Best ever #quote written in cancer
Tobacco company always kills their
best customer...

Tobacco kills
about six million
people each year
- Almost one
casualty every
eight seconds.

Tobacco withdraw karna chahte hein to kela khaye, Is se nicotine k withdrawal symptoms jaise ki laziness, neend aana, craving kam rahenge

A Fully Burnt Cigarrette ASH Said
"2day its Me
Bcoz of U.
2mrow its U,
Bcoz of Me."
PaS d msg
b a part of d
Anti-Tobacco group

World No Tobacco Day:
Smoking BENDs your Health
No-Smoking MENDs your health! Say NO to Tobacco/ Smoking