
If you have many friends and you wish to check that how much are true accounts and how much are fake id's in your facebook account if you wish to check that so today we will let you know how you can find these all fake accounts and un-friend who is fake...
may only fakeoff app of facebook can help you well'y for visit here click here Fakeoff

so after clicking here click on connect to Facebook profile and it will automatcly show you all fakes...

what are features of fakeoff are given below...

Remove hidden fake profiles from your Facebook
Join 60,000+ Facebook users who get real-time protection and detect fake profiles every day.

For Singles
If you find yourself adding new friends often, you'd be surprised how many of them are fake. With FakeOFF, you can target those fake friends and choose what to do with them.

For Parents
As parents, we want our children to be always safe, but we can't control their online activity al all times. With FakeOFF, you can protect them in real-time from fake profiles and scams that are hidden among their friends.

For Everyone
Online scams come in many forms, many of them can put your life in danger. No one wants to connect with scammers and think they are new friends.

Why is that so important
Fake profiles look very real to the untrained eye. They post, chat and upload photos almost as if they were real friends, but for completely different reasons; They can be clever ads, social-media savvy burglars, sex offenders, psychopaths and more...
